Monday, July 13, 2009

Training July 13-19

Hi Team,

Hope you all have been enjoying the relatively nice weather! At least it is not raining. With this nicer weather I wanted to remind you all to please bring a water bottle and if you have one a holder so you can carry water with you on a roller ski. Also don't forget that dry shirt to put on and a snack to keep you healthy.

This weeks plan:

Monday 7/13 - Off

Tuesday 7/14- 5:30-6:45PM 
Skate roller ski for an hour and 15 minutes

Wednesday 7/15 - 7:00-8:30AM
Classic roller ski for an hour and a half

Thursday 7/16 - 7:30-8:30
Bounding and ski walking for 1 hour. *Meet at Bradbury Mountain 

Friday 7/17 - 7:30-9:15
Classic Roller ski for an hour and 45 minutes. *Meet at Pineland

Saturday 7/18 - Off from team training.
I have to go to a wedding that I am a part of in Vermont and will be gone for the weekend. I would like it if you all do a run or hike. If there is something else that you might enjoy more like roller skiing or anything else do that instead.  Total workout 1 hour.

Sunday 7/19 - No team training
Maybe go for a long bike ride of 2 hours or more. Just easy and have fun.

So as I said I will be gone Friday after practice and going back home to Vermont for a wedding. I will be back in Maine on Sunday evening.

Another thing to talk about is a summer training camp. We have been throwing the idea around about going to Rangeley, ME for a few days. July works much better for me and it is before any pre season starts up. So how does leaving on Monday morning July 27th and coming back on Thursday July 30th sound to everyone?
Please send me an email or talk with me at practice about this so we can decide on a date and get it set up.



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