Thursday, March 17, 2011

Training 3/21/11 - 3/27/11

Hi Team,

Good luck to the Eastern High School racers this weekend and to anyone that may be heading up to Sugarloaf for the 25 or 50km marathon up there!
After this weekend races are all pretty much wrapped up but that doesn't mean you can't get out and ski for a little longer. Just think about how much you wanted to be on snow back in November and so now that we have it for a little longer get out there and enjoy it. I know Pineland is planning on being open as long as they have snow.
There is no set plan for next week except to get out on your skis, continue to work on your technique and have fun while the snow is still here. If you are getting back into running make sure to take it easy and do shorter easier runs at first so your body can get back that muscle memory before you push it hard running.
Nice job to all of you this season I am really proud of each and every one of you!


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