Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Thank you MCN Athletes and Parents!

Hi Everyone,

What a great winter we had for both snow and results. Many Maine Coast Nordic skiers had personal best achievements in racing, in college acceptances, in personal development, and most importantly, in growing their love for the sport of Nordic Skiing! Just take a look at the school race results and all of the MCN athletes are right up there near the top!

Over the past 2 years our program has continued to grow, and we as an organization (with your feedback) are working to take MCN to the next level. It is our goal to support skiers and we will strive to design the program to benefit the athletes to its fullest potential.

It is hard for me to say this since you have all taught me so much over the past two years, but I want to let you all know that I am no longer going to be the coach for Maine Coast Nordic. After 7 years of coaching I have decided I need to take another step in my personal career and am going to step away from coaching to take a full time job.

It is also important for you all to know that I am not leaving the area, and I want to continue to help find a new coach and create a smooth transition so that the skiers get all the help they need. I will also continue to help the board implement many of the ideas put forth to improve this program. 
Please email me if you have any questions and know that I will be sending out dates for the summer camp soon. We are also planning on having a meeting for parents and athletes in May to detail out the 2011 summer program.
Hope you all have a great spring and I will be seeing you all around for sure!


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