Thursday, February 17, 2011

Training 2/21/11 - 2/27/11

Hi Team,

This weekend is the last of the Eastern Cup races or Junior Olympic Qualifiers and the time to be skiing fast for States! Good luck to everyone in all their races they have coming up and do let me know how you do!
The training for next week is as follows.

2/21 Monday- Easy Classic ski with some speed work. You can do 15 seconds on and 45 seconds off. 5-7 times.
2/22 Tuesday- Race States! Or if you are not racing States you can have done a really easy day yesterday and do the speed today.
2/23 Wednesday- Easy ski with some 15 seconds on and 45 seconds off to clear lactate and get ready for the next race.
2/24 Thursday- Race States! If not racing you can do level 4. 5 minutes on and 5 minutes off. 3-5 times.
2/25 Friday- Off
2/26 Saturday- Level 1 ski with speed over the top of hills into the downhill. Total 1:15
2/27 Sunday- Level 1 ski for 2 hours.

Have fun and ski fast!

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