Sunday, August 7, 2011

Practice Schedule- Week of 8/8

Hi All,

Here is the practice schedule for the week:

Monday, 8/8- OFF

Tuesday, 8/9- 8-10AM, meet at Blackstrap Community Forest. Parking is off of Hurricane Rd. Here is a map,

Race group- 1.5 hour trail run w/ poles, bounding/ski walking intervals.
Devo- 1:20 hour trail run w/ poles, bounding/ski walking.

Wednesday, 8/10- 8-10AM, Meet at Mabel Wilson School parking lot on Tuttle Rd. in Cumberland.

Race- 1:40 hour, L1 skate roll w/ uphill to downhill transition work (video).
Devo- 1:30 hour, skate roll w/ transition work.

Thursday, 8/11- 5-7PM, Meet at Pineland Farms Market.

Classic Roll, with double pole strength and technique (45 minutes), circuit/core strength (45 min), finished with a healthy dose of speedball!

Friday-Saturday- on your own.  Saturday is the ME Team training day at Pineland. IF you are interested email Will Sweetser,, even if you didn't make the ME team last winter you might be able to participate in the clinic.

Sunday, 8/14- Evening road bike ride, 6-7:30PM, Meet at Falmouth High School. We will do a 25 mile loop or so.

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